Sunday, February 18, 2007

and then there was one.

Work's still a bear, and leaves me in a mentally exhausted state that makes it hard to care about anything, but as I frantically tried to catch up on tv this weekend I came to the sad realization that I DO still care about tv! And watching the second to last episode of The OC made me VERY SAD. There is only ONE episode left! One of my favoritest shows, gone forever. Boooooo.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

and done.

Work has officially kicked my ass and beat me down. Being a manager ain't all it's cut out to be and I've got a ways to go but the bottom line is that I don't have the capacity to pay attention to tv much less write about it anymore at this time in my life.

So hope everyone's enjoying this season of 24 right now, not to mention the final episodes of The OC, but for now....

I'm out.