Sunday, July 13, 2008

round 10

And so begins another season of Big Brother tonight... season 10 to be exact. I didn't actually know it was starting but happened to flip past it and so of course it's been added to my DVR list. I never watched seasons 3 through 7-ish... but have latched back on the past few seasons for lack of better things on tv.

I don't have many judgments on the house guests just yet, except that Renny is CRAZY. And this is what summer tv has come to...

Friday, July 04, 2008

happy 4th.

Hello there. You'd think I was on vacation or something. Actually, tv has gone on summer vacation and I as a result have gotten lazy. Only a small handful of shows on to watch. One is The Mole, which is as fun as always, EXCEPT for whoever this new host is. Andersen Cooper, where are you??

Oh, and a new season of Weeds! Which is so very fabulous as always. Nancy is working for the Mexicans now. And still a babe.

And that's about it. I'm desperate for some new tv for the summer. Is there ANYTHING out there?!