Wednesday, October 12, 2005

who's stupid idea was this anyway?

Oh how exciting, now we’re flying to South Carolina which is…oh, still on the eastern seaboard. LAME. There is some sort of detour that involves mud and shrimp, and you can’t even really ever tell if anyone is doing better than anyone else in this task. And then a “mystery” bus ride to a Waffle House and then ALABAMA, where there is some roadblock that relies solely on the fact that you don’t get sick on amusement park rides, but since they can only do the ride one team at a time, there is absolutely zero chance for bunching and after they complete spinning around on the spaceship ride, their next task is to WALK to a LAPTOP and WATCH a VIDEO of PHIL. You have GOT to be f-ing kidding me. The video directs you then to walk to the pitstop like 100 yards away. BORING. And then one of the very few teams that don’t completely annoy the shit of me gets eliminated! This is the most amazingly awful race ever.

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