Thursday, November 17, 2005


waaaay too much crying on the season finale of LB. i don't remember being that wussy when i left for college. but you know i absolutely love this show anyway, even though LC's little cameo on MTV at the end was lame because she had ZERO personality and looked completely bored out of her mind, AND the whole "surprise" of LC's new show was also pretty lame considering we already heard about it lord knows how long ago. Did they seriously think they were going to be able to keep that a secret with cameras following LC all over LA?

anyway, i mentioned this celebrity phone tap thing with ryan cabrera and talan a long while back that they did on the radio. this is all kinds of old, but i found it online, and it is funny shit! i can't believe talan agreed to do it...
(might take a while to load -- be patient :)

that's a wrap for now. i'm behind on my tv again. what else is new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

News about our Talan. This just in: