Friday, December 02, 2005

i love tommy linz

the most boring episode of the amazing race ever to exist aired this week. they rode in hot air ballons, went horse back riding, and had a task that involved watching the eruption of Old Faithful - wtf? are these people for real? and then their last clue says to go find Phil at the mat, and if these monkeys had been watching previous seasons of Amazing Race, they would have KNOWN that it was a trick pit stop, meaning not really a pit stop at all. duh. So with the non-elimination leg last week, the fake pit stop this week, it will be a three week time frame between eliminations. could they be dragging out the most boring season ever any more? they are lucky that the hot Linz brothers are still in the race, or i sooo would not be watching anymore...(okay who are we kidding, i'd probably still be watching anyway, but you catch my drift.)

and no, i have no idea when i became a gossip columnist. must have something to do with the fact that i need to make sure everyone is up to date on their gawker news. if everyone would just suck it up and read gawker religiously like i do, i wouldn't have to be a gossip columnist. not that i don't enjoy it. because i love celebrity gossip! don't we all?

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