Tuesday, March 11, 2008

down to a dozen

This week starts the Top 12 on American Idol and I am smitten! It's John Lennon week which is GREAT because that means a myriad of Beatles songs and such for contestants to sing, and I love that. Normally this is where I start to do a contestant-by contestant recap week to week, but I'm too tired for that this week, sorry!

So the judges HATED Ramiele's performance this week and yeah it was a tad on the boring side, but she sang In My Life, one of my favoritest songs ever, and I love her! She's so adorable. Oh, and I love how she talked about how she works in a sushi restaurant so she smells like sushi all the time. heehee.

Generally speaking, most of the contestants stepped it up big time for the top 12 performances. Yay!

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