Thursday, March 31, 2005

That'll teach you to donate a kidney

Man, I was way off on my picks for the bottom 3 on AI. Well, not waaay off, at least I got one right. And the one I got right is the one that went home. So bye bye Jessica with your blonde on top of brunette hair, I guess that doesn’t make me absolutely awful at guessing the outcomes of these things, only partially awful. I’ll try to do better next week.

And seriously, can they stop with the group songs? They are so tragically awful I can’t even stand it. It’s very nice that they are trying to raise money for the red cross and all, but there MUST be a better way.

Oh yeah, and Lost? I am lost. I have no idea what happened last night, did I miss something? I was excited to finally get the story on Locke, but when it was all over, I still had absolutely no idea how or why he was crippled and in a wheelchair and what the deal was with the spaceship looking “hatch” thing embedded into the ground with the light that finally comes on after he cries and moans and bangs on it profusely for a while.

And seriously Boone, don’t you know that plane wreckages precariously perched on a really really high cliff will always come tumbling down if you try to maneuver around in them as much as you did? I heard one of the main characters is going to bite the dust by the end of this season, and I think they’re trying to make us think that Boone is the one by the looks of this episode and the previews for next week, but I also think that’s probably too obvious, because I know the writers like to f- with my head. Bastards.

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