Thursday, May 05, 2005

Fallen Idol

I very much hate that their group song this week was Bridge Over Troubled Water because a) it is one of the best Simon & Garfunkel songs ever, AND b) some of you may remember our very own Clay Aiken performing it last season and sounding AWESOME, so any way you cut it, this was just majorly disappointing and awful, as is almost every time they sing a group song.

The Seacrest switcheroo was fabulous – sending the bottom two to the couch and letting Scotty think he was safe. HAHA! I love it. I laughed like crazy when Scott got sent to the couch because I KNEW he was sooo happy but he didn’t pay more attention to the wording Seacrest used – he NEVER said “you’re safe.” He just said “go sit on the couch.” And making him and Anthony sing before they find out if they are going home? Waste of airtime. ESPECIALLY when it meant having to listen to Anthony sing Backstreet Boys again. Thank goodness for fast forward.

But in any case, it was Anthony’s birthday and APPARENTLY, that means he gets to stay one more week. Bye bye wife beater, it was fun while it lasted.

Oh yeah, did anyone watch the Primetime special on AI last nite? I DVRed it, haven’t watched yet, but if anyone has, let me know if it’s worth my time or not.


Anonymous said...

Cindy - you MUST watch the primetime special "fallen idol." It was juicy! I can't believe what a dog Corey Clark is - poor Paula. As annoying as she is, she does not deserve to be outed that way, even though it was pretty entertaining...

Anonymous said...

cindy, did u dvr late night with david letterman when randy jackson was the guest?? i missed it but i heard it was a must-see for any true AI fan!

ps: i HATE harry potter!! i SOOO was hoping he would get booted on his bday!!!!!