Monday, April 09, 2007

less than 30

I ended a very relaxing (but very short) weekend with the season premiere of Entourage, which was highlighted by a cameo appearance by Alessandra, my most favoritest VS model EVER, wheeling out Vince's cake at his birthday party. That in itself made the episode worth every second of watching. Just a darn shame they didn't show more of her!

I'm trying very much to balance tv with baseball. TV watching just hasn't been the same since I went to Opening Day at Yankee Stadium. Except of course for this past saturday which was spent plastered to the couch alongside Evan watching show after show after show... topped off with The Sound of Music and the Easter edition of Unwrapped! I love my tv.

1 comment:

Margaritaville said...

I love Cindy's TV too! Will be sad to leave when I find my own place :(