Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Where's Jon & Victoria when you need them?

Now that I've had a chance to watch the premiere of TAR 7 in its entirety, I'd like to recap. If you are NOT watching TAR, you really should start. seriously. In case you missed last night's premiere, let me help get you up to date. 11 teams from various backgrounds in a race around the world yadda yadda yadda. Some of these teams are reeally boring and didn't do much last nite worth talking about, in fact i can barely remember some of their names. I'm clearly not trying to compete with Television Without Pity here. But in any case, several things I learned during the premiere:

1) Llamas are some stubborn ass animals unless you smack 'em on the behind with a yellow amazing race clue pamphlet. Oh, and they spit an awful lot
2) Carrying 35 pound baskets of alfafa on your back requires you to wear a poncho and matching knit hat with floppy ears
3) Ziplines give you wedgies
4) The show just isn't the same without couples like Jon & Victoria screaming at each other on an hourly basis and having Jon yell at Victoria that she is the most useless person he's ever met on every episode. Did anyone see them On Dr. Phil's Romance Rescue special? Classic.

Teams go from Long Beach, CA to Lima, Peru to Ancon to Cuzco to Huambutio to Pisac and back to Cuzco, where Ryan & Chuck the South Carolina yokies arrive last at the pit stop and get booted, which is really just as well since I couldn't understand a damn word either one of them were saying at any time anyway. Nobody wants to have to read subtitles every time one of the teams is having a conversation.

Tonite on AI...(am I only one that thinks that 3 nites of AI in a row is a bit overkill?) I wonder which suckers are getting sent home. I hope it's not Anwar, I voted for him and everything. If hottie Amanda gets voted off...well, I guess I'l just have to pick a backup hottie.


Anonymous said...

How dumb are the people this season that everyone ran to the 7:40 tree instead of checking to see if there was an earlier time? Good thing the producers caused the 7:40 plane to have "technical difficulties" so that almost everyone would be bunched together.

Also, "lifelong friends"??? I don't think so. I can't imagine how many lesbian sex scenes had to be edited out of that first episode.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of dumb people...when a 70 yr old couple can figure out it only takes 1 person to lead 2 lamas while the other one beats them, and your redneck ass takes one at a time dragging it 90% of the're just asking to be kicked off.

I hope the few girl hotties on AI make it to end since none of them have any real talent that they can show on family television. A guy will win easy this yr. My vote, if i voted, would be for keri and amanda as eye candy for the rest of the show. My interesting fact I learned today...fruit makes cindy's ears itch.

Anonymous said...

Gullibility of some people never cease to amaze me. But on the other hand, Them lifelong friends were good to look at.