Wednesday, May 24, 2006

the asian people complex

Yankees-Red Sox series is this week, so tv doesn't have a hope. Thursday is an off-day though so I should be able to catch up. I did catch tiny scraps of AI while flipping around between innings of baseball last night, and was pleased to see Daniel Powter performing my favorite song live. I so don't care who wins tonight though.

This is a totally non-tv related story, but I know certain people will get a kick out of this, so I have to share.

The background here is that I am working on a HR project that consists of a team of about 20-25 people. My project manager is this adorable little Korean woman named Min who I would smush up and carry around in my purse with me if I could. She and I are the only two Asian people on the project and in typical ignorant people format, we've got people calling her Cindy and calling me Min. It's brilliant. There was a time when I was a consultant and a certain British partner used to think that Evan and I were the same asian girl. I think he used to confuse me with Karen as well, who is also Chinese, and I'm pretty sure that between the three of us, Tony used to have a field day trying to figure out if we were all the same person.

At least here, people acknowledge that Min and I are two different people, they just can't tell which of us are which. I facilitate a weekly status conference call and this one guy Jason calls me Min without fail every week during the meeting. I don't even bother correcting him anymore. Jason wears suspenders, which in my mind sort of explains the gap in his brain that causes him to think I am Min. This morning another guy Joe went into Min's office to ask her a question thinking that she was me. Classic! To add to the comical nature of my job, there is this Swedish guy that works for Jason named Benny (not short for Benjamin, and not Ben. just Benny) who looks like Dilbert. As in, if they made the Dilbert cartoon into a movie with real people, Benny would the guy you want to cast as Dilbert. God I hope nobody from my job ever finds this blog.


Anonymous said...

Hey Min, sounds like you work in a very interesting environment....ummm, I mean Cindy. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

AHAHAH love it! yes gotta love those ignorant whities who think we ALL look the same! and cin - i do read your blog on a daily basis (well not lately since I've been away).