Thursday, June 08, 2006

rain out

Red Sox-Yankees got rained out yesterday, so I though perhaps that meant I might actually get to go home and watch actual television! Maybe even the season finale of Lost that I have yet to see! But alas, I ended up drinking at the bar across the street from my office...again. By the time I got home, I just didn't have the energy for tv, only caught a few minutes of So You Think You Can Dance as I was flipping through the channels and watched a tearful exit from the auditions by a girl on crutches who apparently hurt her foot while dancing and couldn't continue. And that was that.

Since I have no tv to talk about, I think I'll just rant about other random things. Such as the sad state of affairs that is known as the largest public school system in the country where I work:,0,6890300.story?coll=am-local-headlines

These are the people that are training the future of our country. awesome.

Other random observations, made during my commute to work this morning:
- Woman sitting across from me on the subway that was plucking her eyebrows. Who does that on the train? Is that even safe? One jerk of the train and you're sure to lose an eye I think.
- Man standing on the subway wearing a charcoal gray pinstriped suit...with a turquoise polo shirt. First of all, the color scheme was just atrocious. And really now, who wears polo shirts with a suit?
- Lady who was so badly fake tanned that aside from the fact that her face was almost the same shade of orange as the Mets logo, one leg was about four shades of orange darker than her other leg. If you're going to be so fake tanned that it's obvious, at least make it an even fake tan!

In my new temporary home on the 4th floor at work, I am now at least 3 times further from the bathroom than I was when I was up on the 6th floor. Not cool. I also am no longer near any windows so there could be a tornado going on outside right now for all I know. awesome!

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