With the Yankees playing a day game today, I was able to catch up on some shows tonight and yes Ev, I totally have to agree that Melissa S is not so nice and Chelsea is just super adorable, so yay to the judges for making that beyatch Melissa S hang up her boa. Seriously though, waaaaay too much crying at the end of this episode, totally not what I want to see.
In 24 news: well, quite frankly this show is starting to driving me nuts. It's the same story season after season, hour after hour! There's terrorists, there's bombs, Kiefer kills a whole lotta people, finds the bombs, and then uses the remainder of the day to complete some mini-mission that may or may not be related to the season's storyline. I want something new! Can't we do something different next time? Have Kiefer use his super human powers to cure sick people or something like that? Oh come on, the man can bring himself back from the dead - why not cure cancer?