Sunday, April 29, 2007

she's not all there

So almost a week after the fact and just in time to be caught up to real time, I watched the midnight hour of 24. Highlights: Buchanan gets fired from his post as head of CTU by his wife, Doyle all kinds of f*s up Kiefer's rogue mission and Audrey has gone CRAZY! Like she's no longer quite all there crazy, not Martha-crazy. Speaking of.. what the hell ever happened to Logan and crazy Martha?

meet your new pussycat doll

After a week of falling tragically behind on tv due to work, baseball and other miscellaneous activities, I am spending my Sunday watching the NFL draft and baseball, cleaning my apartment and catching up on a work's worth of shows.

After lots of bitching and screaming at each other, a group performance of Lady Marmalade in which I though Lil Kim was going to jump up on stage with them, solo performances and the judges being tortured by not knowing who to pick because they couldn't separate the "singers" from the "performers" and decide which is more important... we finally find out who gets to be the next Pussycat Doll. First Chelsea gets sent to hang up her boa - I guess not being a true dancer finally came back to bite her in the ass - boo! So it comes down to Melissa and Asia and freakin' ASIA wins! She was my LEAST favorite out of the final three and so it figures this show would torture me by picking her. So there you have it, the inaugural season of the search for the next doll wrapped up - what are the chances there will be a season two?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

what goes around comes around

Ahh yes, another karma-filled episode of Amazing Race. The Blondies basically bribe Danny & Oswald to yield Eric & Danielle AGAIN, and just like it never ceases to amaze me how huge Danielle's boobs are, it doesn't cease to amaze me how dumb all the teams are this season. After the yield, Danny & Oswald spend the entire rest of the episode worrying about bad karma - lo and behold, karma comes back to bite 'em in the arse since they can't beat out Eric & Danielle's 30 minute penalty. Suckers. Lucky for them it's the second consecutive week of non-elimination (booo!) and more importantly, it saddens me that a) the Blondies came in first, and b) Charla and Mirna are STILL IN THE RACE! What an awful, torturous season of Amazing Race this has been.

Can't wait to watch next week's fights between the teams, because you know the yield queens got everyone all riled up now!

Monday, April 23, 2007

A beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Yay! Finally we have warm weather! I'm rather happy about that, except for the fact that impedes with my tv watching because I am compelled to spend more time outdoors. That being said, I'd like to just mention that Sanjaya still haunts us even though he has been rightfully booted from American Idol. The boy and his hair is getting WAY too much media attention - he's getting invited to White House dinners, for cryin' out loud!

It's WRONG. So very, very wrong *sigh*

In non-tv and completely unrelated to anything news, I want to point out that it is incredibly difficult, annoying and time consuming to only be able to eat with one side of my mouth. Meals take twice as long and way too much concentration to keep the food corralled on one side of my mouth, so as not to disturb the stitches in both my upper and lower gums on the left side of my mouth. blah!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

what a girl wants

With the Yankees playing a day game today, I was able to catch up on some shows tonight and yes Ev, I totally have to agree that Melissa S is not so nice and Chelsea is just super adorable, so yay to the judges for making that beyatch Melissa S hang up her boa. Seriously though, waaaaay too much crying at the end of this episode, totally not what I want to see.

In 24 news: well, quite frankly this show is starting to driving me nuts. It's the same story season after season, hour after hour! There's terrorists, there's bombs, Kiefer kills a whole lotta people, finds the bombs, and then uses the remainder of the day to complete some mini-mission that may or may not be related to the season's storyline. I want something new! Can't we do something different next time? Have Kiefer use his super human powers to cure sick people or something like that? Oh come on, the man can bring himself back from the dead - why not cure cancer?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

a little bit country

It's elimination night on AI and I must admit the group song at the beginning of the episode was kind of adorable. And to continue the theme of weekly random doesn't fit in to anything performance, they had Fergie perfom. Yes, Fergie. During country week. Can anyone explain this to me? So aside from a lovely performance by Martina McBride, this episode was filled with a whole lotta silliness and they did that thing that I HATE where they divide the contestants in half and then make Doolittle pick which side is safe, and I love that she just decides to squat herself in the middle of the stage. And Sanjaya is FINALLY in the bottom three and FINALLY. GOES. HOME. It's about freakin' time, America.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

something to talk about

Generally speaking, American Idol is terrible this season but of course I'm still watching and we're down to 7 and Sanjaya is still around! They've done a great job with the guest stars though - Gwen Stefani, J Lo, Martina McBride... fabulous! So it's country week but unfortunately, country week never EVER goes well, unless you happen to have nothing but Carrie Underwoods competing against each other, which we do not. That being said:

IDOLS 01 - Phil Stacy can sing country! Who knew?
IDOLS 02 - Listening to Jordin Sparks sing Martina McBride's A Broken Wing has made me decide she needs to win this competition. The girl is FAB. And only 17!
IDOLS 03 - WHY is Sanjaya still on this show?! And the hair... oh dear, I do not have words for the hair!
IDOLS 04 - I was so fixated on Lakisha's shiny gold boots that I don't really have any idea if her rendition of Carrie Underwood was any good.
IDOLS 05 - I literally have no opinion on Chris aka the JT Wannabe this week. Kinda boring.
IDOLS 06 - Doolittle looks much better with her new hairdo. She looks much better in general actually. Oh, and her singing was pretty good too.
IDOLS 07 - I love Blake! Super adorable and a legitimately interesting sounding singer!

Martina McBride is lovely. I hope Jordin and Blake make it to the top. And for the love of all things good in this world... please send Sanjaya home!

Monday, April 16, 2007

what karma?

The teams are off to Hong Kong, or at least trying to, but the first TWENTY minutes of the episode is spent with the teams fighting over standby lists at the airport, bitching about bad karma and not actually GOING anywhere.

Once they finally do get to HK, there is a lot of kung fu fighting, laundromats and people speaking bad English - you know, all the stereotypical Chinese stuff that makes Americans think that Chinese people only know how to kick things and clean clothes.

And in one of the most depressing episodes ever, Charla and Mirna DON'T get eliminated and I am forced to watch them for another week. blah.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

she's alive! she's alive!

Okay, I'm close to a week behind in 24 but am finally caught up on this rainy sunday afternoon -- lot's of crazy stuff this hour, but let's get to the good stuff: Audrey's alive!! Well, of course she is. Jack found the bombs and killed ALL kinds of people doing it (big surprise), but there's still seven hours left in the day, so they had to give him something else to do... yup, seven hours should be just enough time for him to rescue Audrey from China. I mean, the flight from LA to China can't be that long, can it?

In other news, President Wayne's adrenaline shots are totally coming back to bite him in the ass.

Friday, April 13, 2007

And just for the record, baseball in HD is FREAKIN' AWESOME! Friday night and I am planted on my couch in front of my HDTV watching Yankees baseball in HD. Can't beat it.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

i don't get it

This week marks one of the most ridiculous weeks of American Idol to date. First of all, it was a haphazard "Latin" theme with the contestants performing pseudo-latin songs coached by J Lo (who, for the record, looked fabulously awesome). The song selections SUCKED all around, and the results show opened with the most AWFUL sounding group performance EVER. Holy mother of crappiness it actually made me cringe to listen to. It was a bad, bad week for AI and I am not amused. Except with the most random performance by Akon even though it was Latin week... last I checked, Akon is so not even close to hispanic.

And not that I'm even surprised anymore that Sanjaya keeps surviving week after week despite his awfulness, but he hasn't even made it into the bottom three yet! WTF?!

Monday, April 09, 2007

less than 30

I ended a very relaxing (but very short) weekend with the season premiere of Entourage, which was highlighted by a cameo appearance by Alessandra, my most favoritest VS model EVER, wheeling out Vince's cake at his birthday party. That in itself made the episode worth every second of watching. Just a darn shame they didn't show more of her!

I'm trying very much to balance tv with baseball. TV watching just hasn't been the same since I went to Opening Day at Yankee Stadium. Except of course for this past saturday which was spent plastered to the couch alongside Evan watching show after show after show... topped off with The Sound of Music and the Easter edition of Unwrapped! I love my tv.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

i'm baaack!

In an effort to revive my blog that had been dying a slow death, I've been inspired by Evan to get back to writing about my favorite subject - TV. I don't have anything in particular to write about just yet, and with baseball season in full swing again, it's hard to balance tv watching with baseball watching, but I am damn sure well going to try, so here I go again!

Guilty pleasure show of the month: The Pussycat Dolls: The Search for the Next Doll

Shows that I can't stop watching even though they are becoming ridiculously out of control: 24 and Lost (am I SERIOUSLY supposed to believe in the smoke monster?!)

The most ridiculously awful reality show that is so bad you can't help but watch: The Bachelor: Officer and a Gentleman

More to come later!